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Brick Plaques

Leave Your Legacy in the Corps

Throughout history, Corps of Cadets graduates have left their names and class years in pencil on the bricks of Lane Hall. Now, you can leave your mark on a brick plaque in the new Corps Leadership and Military Science Building. We’ve actually used images of the Lane Hall bricks to make these one-of-a-kind plaques.

Here's how it works:

  1. Donate at least $2,500 to any Corps of Cadets non-endowed fund, such as the Commandant's Priorities Annual Fund, between March 10, 2020, and March 10, 2025. That’s just $500 a year.
  2. Once you reach the $2,500 total giving threshold, we will send you a sample inscription to approve.
  3. The inscription will include your full name, class year, and Corps’ company on three separate lines. You can choose our typeface or your own handwriting. (Because of space limitations on the plaque, we will be unable to add titles, honorifics, military rank, or nicknames.)
A brick plaque reads: "Patience A. Connelly, 1987, E-Frat."
The plaque is created from an image of a Lane Hall brick.

Each brick plaque must be tied to a single giving record, and we must limit one plaque to each record. The $2,500 threshold can only be counted once to an individual giving record. If you are giving to honor a friend or loved one in addition to your own brick plaque, please be sure that $2,500 donation is tied to that person or another family member's giving record. We are unable to count company matches toward any $2,500 giving threshold.        

The brick plaques will be featured in a special place in the Corps Leadership and Military Science Building, expected to open in 2023. Give now to ensure your name is in place for the dedication ceremony.

The process of acquiring information and printing Brick Plaques can take months to complete. The deadline to have your brick completed in time for the fall Corps events each year is May 1 to reach the $2,500 threshold and Brick Plaque name and details received by June 15. The deadline for spring is Nov 1 to reach the $2,500 threshold and Brick Plaque details received by Dec. 15. Please note we will reach out to you after the cutoff dates listed above once you have reached the $2,500 and are ready for your Brick Plaque details.


The Corps of Cadets’ Advancement Team is ready to help you with any needs or questions. Contact us at 540-231-2892 or

A rendering of the Corps Leadership and Military Science Building.
A rendering of the Corps Leadership and Military Science Building.